Monday, February 9, 2009

Saying Good-bye

I am sorry to say that Tim, Sam and I have to say good-bye to our beautiful flower that I recently posted about.  A tragic accident took the flower when it was too top heavy from so many beautiful pink blooms and split  in half.  I am just thankful that I took my pictures and that we were able to enjoy our short little time together!

Thank you flower for blessing our table with your beautiful presence, we will miss you and always remember your blooms!


Dixie said...

Happy Birthday, Denise. I am sad about your flower. See you tonight. Love, Mom

The Christensen's said...

Happy Birthday!!! We miss ya guys and can't wait to move home and be closier! Make sure Timothy and Sam spoil the heck out of you today!

Tiff said...

I was so sad to read about your flower. Can it ever be replaced??