Monday, December 8, 2008


I must be no good at blogging because I am so behind. Sam has been doing some form of crawling for the last few weeks and I have been chasing him around because he finds the things that I hope he won't find!  We had a good Thanksgiving with all of Tim's family. All of his brothers and sisters were there except Zane. Tim and I have been trying to get ready for Christmas, I made him put lights up again this year, he just doesn't understand how much I love lights!  Sam has discovered the tree but I have shielded it from him before he could do too much damage!  Here are some pictures that we have taken recently!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sam's camp clean-up

I came across this video that I thought I had deleted on accident! We had went camping up Cherry Creek and it was extreme camping.  We were up there for a few nights and Sam needed a good bath.  Tim got some nice warm water, this is the best part of our camping trip!  

Monday, November 10, 2008

Baby Legs

My mom and I went to Provo to watch MC play volleyball. Luckliy we had plenty of time to shop and I found these cute baby legs for Sam. I am sure that he will be embarassed when he is older! He had shots today for his 6 month check-up and I was trying to keep him happy!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Jumping on the bandwagon

After looking at other people's cute blogs I am jumping on the bandwagon!